Violation of the consumers’ rights occurs quite frequently in everyday life. It may be caused by unsatisfactory quality of provided goods or services, unacceptable delivery time of goods, actions of unconscientious manufacturer which resulted in damage. The mechanism for the protection of consumers’ rights involves issues related to the participation of citizens in cooperative housing projects, purchase of goods for personal needs, including expensive goods (equipment, cars, etc.), obtaining various types of services (medical, educational, construction, tourism, etc.). The concept of consumer protection pursues such diverse purposes as health, safety and economic interests of consumers, their right to information, education and the possibility of self-organization to protect their own interests. However, the independent use of this mechanism often causes certain difficulties, which cannot be resolved without the involvement of a qualified specialist. Our firm has extensive experience in representing and protecting clients in cases connected with consumer protection both at the stage of pre-trial settlement of the dispute as well as during the trial.
Our services:
• Settlement of the dispute in the pre-trial procedure, including preparation and submission of the claim to the seller with a request to eliminate the violations committed;
• Legal advice (including issues of refusal to make a refund for defective goods, refusal to provide warranty service, dishonest services, repair of durable goods, evasion of transferring of property right on acquired movable and immovable property, untrue or misleading advertising of goods and services, compensation for damage caused by the supply of goods or the provision of services of poor quality and other issues);
• Conducting an analysis of contracts signing with the consumer in order to eliminate possible violation of consumer rights;
• Representing clients’ interests in courts of all instances;
• Accompanying the enforcement proceedings.