Oil and gas


The production of oil and gas is one of the key sectors of the Russian economy. The specialists of the firm have a positive experience of interaction with oil and gas companies and regulators, which is based on knowledge of the legislative framework and understanding of the specific of functioning of this industry. All aspects of the activities of the company which carries out its activities in oil and gas area is subjected to extra scrupulous legal due diligence on the part of state bodies, most notably on the issues of licensing, compliance with established standards and requirements of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation. The firm consults oil and gas companies on the issues of legal support of their day-to-day business, related to the operation of infrastructure facilities, verifying ongoing transactions, etc. The specialists of the firm have extensive knowledge of specific rules regulating the issues of the electric utility, oil extracting, oil refining, petrochemical, gas and coal industries.

Our services:

  • Legal consult on customs regulation, as well as preparing all necessary documentation for the export of oil and gas;
  • Legal support of various types of transactions (including investment contracts, transactions for the sale and purchase of property complexes and property of the oil and gas companies);
  • Working out and audit of contracts regulating land relations and other issues related to the development, production, transportation and consumption of oil and gas;
  • International regulation issues of oil and gas companies’ activities, including environmental issues;
  • Interaction with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation and other state bodies;
  • Legal support for the output of oil and gas companies on the exchange;
  • Representation of client’s interests in arbitration courts and arbitration tribunals of all instances;
  • Complex support of the oil and gas companies’ activities.