Inheritance and succession


Acceptance of inheritance is a multi-stage process and is always accompanied by a large volume of legal work as opening of inheritance, interaction with notaries, preparation of necessary documentation. The process can be complicated by the arising of disputable relations that require permission in court – contesting wills, complaints against refusal to perform a notarial act, establishing the fact of being dependent, establishing paternity, reinstatement of the period for accepting the inheritance, ascertaining the fact of accepting the inheritance, etc. The firm advises clients on issues of inheritance and succession in the Russian Federation and abroad, and also provides legal support for procedures related to inheritance.

Our services:

  • Legal support for the opening of the inheritance and legal support of the probate case (interaction with the notary);
  • Legal assistance in formalization and obtaining the necessary documents on entering into inheritance, as well as establishing legal facts related to inheritance: family relations, the fact of acceptance of the inheritance, establishing the fact of being dependent from the testator, etc.
  • Drafting of inheritance agreements;
  • Drafting of wills according the requirements of the Russian and foreign legislation;
  • Advising on the legal regime of the mass of succession in Russia and abroad;
  • Contesting wills, recognizing the heir unlawful;
  • Assessment of the circle of heirs, as well as the mass of succession;
  • Restoring the passed time limits for the acceptance of inheritance;
  • Appeal against wrongly committed notarial acts or refusing to perform notarial acts;
  • Legal advice on establishing liability of heirs for the testator’s debts;
  • Representing client’s interests in hereditary disputes in all instances.