”Levant and Partners” Law Firm of the International Bar Association Moscow office is a dynamically developing Russian firm with established traditions, which earned an impeccable reputation not only on the Russian legal market, but also abroad.
The level and quality of the services provided is confirmed by the high positions in international legal ratings, the level of clients, the opinions of colleagues and partners in Russia and around the world.
Over the years, the International Bar Association has been partnering with foreign law firms being a member of international associations.
Attorneys and lawyers of the International Bar Association are recognized professionals and experts in many branches of law being able to solve the most complex issues, in whatever world country their resolution is required.
The international bar association always keeps pace with the times, reacting quickly to the constantly changing realities of the modern world, carefully studying and applying new tools in practice.
Lawyers of the International Bar Association provide legal assistance in various areas of law, including within the represented industries:
– intellectual property, trademarks, copyright (focus area);
– judicial representation (courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration);
– criminal law;
– international law, arbitration;
– mergers and acquisitions (M & A);
– corporate law;
– real estate, land, construction;
– bankruptcy;
– tax law;
– Administrative and legal protection of business;
– civil law;
– protection of honor, dignity and business reputation;
– family law;
– inheritance law;
– housing law;
– labor and migration law;
– Protection of the consumer rights ;
– Internet law;
– sports law;
– Art Law;
– Oil and gas industry;
– infrastructure and transport;
– telecommunications and communications;
– medicine and health care;
– Fashion law;
– eGames (eSports);
– Foreign investment;
– ICO, blockchain and crypto-currencies;
– high technologies and start-ups;
– antimonopoly law.
”Levant and Partners” Law Firm of the International Bar Association Moscow office invites students of senior courses, graduates of universities to specialty „jurisprudence“ for vacancies „assistant lawyer“, „trainee lawyer“ on a gratuitous basis.
The co-counsel job in the International Bar Association, as well as an internship is an excellent opportunity to obtain the status of a lawyer, getting acquainted with the basics of the profession, acquire professional knowledge and skills, and gain practical work experience, including various interesting Russian and international projects.
Persons who have successfully completed an internship may be admitted to the international bar association if there is an open vacancy.
An intern who successfully completed an internship from one to two years is given a characterization, recommendation and other documents necessary to resolve the issue of acquiring the status of an attorney.
Requirements for the applicant for the vacancy „lawyer trainee“:
– Russian citizenship;
– law degree;
– previous work experience is preferred;
– Deep knowledge of the university disciplines on the chosen specialization in the field of law;
– Correct oral and written language;
– Upper-Intermediate English level (not lower);
– responsibility;
– active life position;
– presentable appearance.
Requirements for the applicant for the vacancy „Assistant Attorney“:
– Russian citizenship;
– unfinished graduate degree or higher legal education;
– previous work experience is preferred;
– Deep knowledge of the disciplines studied in the university on the chosen specialization in the field of law;
– Correct oral and written language;
– Upper-Intermediate English level (not lower);
– responsibility;
– active life position;
– presentable appearance.
Do not qualify for the position of „intern lawyer“ and „assistant lawyer“:
– Persons recognized as legally incompetent or severely incapacitated;
– persons who have an outstanding or unrecognized previous conviction for committing an intentional crime.
Obligations of an intern and assistant attorney:
– systematization of normative material, generalization of law enforcement practice;
– collection of documents and materials necessary for execution of instructions, search and analysis of judicial practice;
– acquaintance with the materials of cases in the courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, at the preliminary investigation, in state and other bodies and organizations;
– presence in court sessions, on investigative actions;
– Preparation of drafts of legal documents, business letters, opinions, reviews of legislation and judicial practice;
– technical and organizational assistance;
– traveling work at the request of the head;
– execution of other instructions.
Working conditions:
– a modern office at the center of Moscow (300 meters from the metro station „Okhotny Ryad“);
– obtaining practical experience in the International Bar Association with an impeccable reputation;
– the opportunity to start your career in a team of professionals and high-level experts;
– Flexible work schedule, allowing to combine working as an attorney assistant while studying;
– provision of recommendations, characteristics, including the documents necessary to resolve issues of acquiring the status of a lawyer;
– career and professional development opportunities.
Please send us your CV by e-mail: info@levantlegal.com